Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Ultimate Beach Bash

The worst kept secret in the Valley over the last couple of days was officially announced today – the Showcase is coming to South Padre Island.

This is a major change for the NBA Development League as it is the first time the Showcase will be hosted by an organization other than one of it's own teams in a building where one of it's teams doesn't play. However, I think that's a good thing, and here's why:

Expand the Brand
Having the Showcase on South Padre Island helps to expand the NBA Development League Brand to a new set of fans. Yes, the Vipers already have some presence there... Vipers Beach Bash in November 2009 (one day of Training Camp and an exhibition game) plus a couple of corporate partners and season ticket holders, but this is something that not only helps the Vipers' marketing, but the League as a whole. South Padre Island not only attracts Rio Grande Valley natives, but Winter Texans and vacationers, meaning you might just be reaching fans all over the country in person.

Location, Location, Location
South Padre Island is beautiful and a great resort destination. The showcase already attracts hundreds of NBA and International Brass. They'll probably attract more than usual in a place that people want to go in January (no offense to Boise, Idaho, I understand it's a beautiful area and I love the blue turf of Boise State, but snow vs. beach in January... well... no contest).

They've Done it Before
Every year you can find a prestigious college basketball tournament and a prestigious high school basketball tournament at the South Padre Island Convention Centre. They've hosted a Vipers pre-season game. They know what they're doing and their hospitality is through the roof.

It's the Economy, Stupid
January is typically a slower month for South Padre Island. The basketball tournaments are at the end of November and beginning of December. Spring Break doesn't hit full tilt until March. There are actually businesses that are only open at certain times of year on South Padre Island. This will create such economic opportunity on the Island and the lower valley as a whole.

No Ties Allowed
There are no ties allowed on South Padre Island. I don't know about you, but I always feel more relaxed in a polo or Hawaiian shirt. The Showcase can be a stressful time for players and coaches. It's early enough in the season that they're not necessarily freaking out about playoff position, but the eyes of the basketball world are on them. Don't screw up. Luckily, South Padre Island is such a relaxing atmosphere that it should help to ease away the stress.

Rest for the Weary
Even though the Showcase is the NBA Development League's show, the host team typically has a big role in helping to make it work. Not to say that the Vipers won't have any roll. I imagine that our Community Relations Director Liana Cisneros, myself and ADB will all have significant roles. However, I hope that the rest of our front office will be able to stay in the office and focus on their regular job of packing our home games. We have some incredibly hard working sales people on staff, who also handle game operations, etc. And certainly, if there's a front office that can handle the Showcase, it's ours... We proved that during RGV Rocket Launch 2009 and will do so again this year... but it's nice to think that maybe, just maybe, they can get a little respite from the extra stress/work associated with hosting the Showcase.

I'm stoked.


A big congratulations to Dwayne Killings on his new job. The now former-Manager of Basketball Operations for the NBA Development League was hired as an assistant coach at the greatest school in the history of time – Boston University.

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