Thursday, March 4, 2010


This blog post is brought to you by the number 7 - aka the number of GATORADE Call-Ups the Vipers have had this season - a new NBA D-League record.

It is also brought to you by the number 11 - the number of Vipers alumni in the NBA right now.

Can someone please get me a Slurpee so we can celebrate?

I can't decide what word to use to describe this. Milestone? Watershed moment? Defining moment? Historic moment?

Well, no matter how you slice it, it's kind of a big deal.

The Vipers are living proof of what kind of impact the NBA Development League is having on the NBA, but, the question is... does the system work?

From a players standpoint, it certainly does. Garrett Temple is the best example. After two 10-day contracts with the Rockets, he was getting ready to head back to the Rio Grande Valley. Remember, it's two 10-day contracts per player per team. In-order for the Rockets to retain Temple, they would have had to sign him for the rest of the season. However, another NBA team, such as the Sacramento Kings, could swoop in and sign Temple to up-to two 10-day contracts. So it's good that the opportunity is there.

At the same time, how do you think the Rockets feel about losing Temple like that? The Rockets own the Vipers' basketball operations, but not the players, with the exception of NBA-assignees). So rather than being able to hide Temple with the Vipers until they need/want him again... and rather than being able to retain Temple's rights for another call-up or for summer league or training camp... The Rockets, who spent so much time developing Temple, lose out while the Kings get an NBA player without having to do any work.

My solution is simple – Single-affiliaton teams (RGV, Tulsa, Austin, LA) get to control the rights of ALL of their players, not just D-League players. Under that arrangement, those players could still go elsewhere if traded. Before you say that means the NBA would have to push back the trade deadline... they wouldn't, they'd just have to change the rules to not include these kinds of trades.

Still, that's not a perfect solution either. How would that be fair to guy a like Temple, who then might not get that next contract with the Kings?

In short, I don't know what to do. Do you? If so, comment below.


Happy Birthday Dad!

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