Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Don't Think He's Coming Back

I wanted to start this off with a Simpsons clip from the X-Files episode with Leonard Nimoy (before he sold out and decided to be a part of the I can't call it Star Trek because it's not movie), but I couldn't find it for some reason.

I'm talking about Garrett Temple. I've said it before and I'll say it again. He's on his way to a long NBA career. Temple earned a contract with the Spurs for the rest of the season today. Every time one of his 10-day contracts this season, everyone wondered if he'd be coming back. He almost came back after the second one with the Rockets. Depending on which story you believe, he was either about to leave for the airport, on his way to the airport, in the airport, about to board the plane, or physically on the plane, when he got the call to turn around and go back to the hotel since the Kings were coming to town. The rest is history.

There's something exciting about seeing one of our guys not only in the NBA and not only experiencing success, but getting rewarded for all of his hard work. When you're young, all you can do is work hard and hope someone notices so you can get what you deserve. And if you were wondering if anyone was taking notice of Temple... well, I can name at least three NBA teams off the bat, and I have a feeling there were more.

I mean, think about it, the Spurs signed Temple over their own Curtis Jerrells in Austin! What does that tell you?


Speaking of Austin, they almost did something no one else ever has... Lose to Springfield in something considered a road game in the standings for the Armor. It took overtime and a little comeback, but the Toros did avoid that.

It is scoreboard watching time just because the Vipers have a magic number of three to clinch the Western Conference Championship. Any combination of Vipers wins and Toros losses that adds up to three will take care of that. It could happen as soon as Friday. I'm thinking Saturday, though. I figure Austin beats Springfield on Wednesday but splits with Bakersfield this weekend. If the Vipers sweep LA... then Saturday you can pop the preliminary round of Martinelli's Gold Medal Sparkling Cider (which, by the way, is Kosher for Passover... important to note in case Austin sweeps Bakersfield and the Vipers don't clinch until next week). Any day now...


Of course, we all know the most important game on Wednesday doesn't take place in Austin, but rather Richmond, Virginia, where Boston University faces Virginia Commonwealth University in the CBI semifinals. Winner goes to the Championship Series. Oh, it's so close I can almost taste it!


Also of note on Wednesday, make sure you watch Action 4 News at 6 to find out who will win our second-ever Jr. Broadcaster Competition. We had three incredible candidates. Two 17-year old girls and one 11-year old girl, and they were all well-prepared and pretty calm. Action 4 Sports reporter Darren Haynes not only ran the contest, but taught the kids. It was quite impressive. He could be a teacher some day if he chooses. Darren is getting married on Saturday. Is it too early to say I think he's going to be a good father? Or is that putting too much pressure on the guy too soon? Well, how about congratulations and good luck? Yeah, that'll work.

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