Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mayor Settles Milk Strike

A few years back, when they still delivered milk to your stoop everyday, there was a heated Mayoral race in New York City. The incumbent (Robert Wagner) was losing to the challenger. It didn't look good.

In the weeks leading up to Election Day, there was a major milk strike.

On Election Day, the headline of all the local papers? Mayor Settles Milk Strike.

Guess who won the Election.

It's known as an October surprise, despite the fact it was actually November.

Tonight, the Vipers spring an April surprise on the Reno Bighorns for the winner take all game 3 of the Quarterfinals... Mike Harris.

The NBADL MVP Candidate is averaging 27.1 points and 10.5 rebounds per game. He shoots the lights out of the ball. He's a leader both on and off the court.

If ever there was a difference maker in a tightly-contested series, he's it.


Rockets GM Daryl Morey took in the game with his son last night and boy was he vociferous. It was great to see.


Harris... Morey... Anyone out there think the Rockets aren't committed to winning a Championship in the Rio Grande Valley?

Didn't think so.

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